Contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.
Bugs and suggestions¶
You may submit an issue to the Gitea repository to warn of any bugs, ask for new features, or ask any questions that are not answered in this documentation.
When reporting a bug, do not forget to put in your version of Python and your version of pylspci. This will greatly help when troubleshooting, as most errors often come from version incompatibilities.
You will need a virtual envionment to work properly. virtualenvwrapper is recommended:
git clone
cd pylspci
mkvirtualenv -a . pylspci
pip install -e .[dev]
This will clone the repository, create a virtual environment named
, then tell pip to let the package be editable (-e
The [dev]
suffix adds the extra requirements useful for development.
Unit tests¶
Unit tests use the standard unittest
package; you may run them using the
./ test
Tests coverage¶
I aim for 100% coverage on all of my Python packages whenever I add unit tests to them; this package is no exception. CI checks use the coverage Python package to get coverage statistics. To get test coverage data locally, run:
coverage run test
You may then get a short coverage summary in your terminal:
coverage report
Or generate an HTML report in a htmlcov
folder, which can be browsed
offline using your favorite web browser and shows line by line coverage:
coverage html
If you are having issues reaching 100% coverage, try to still add some tests, and mention your issues when creating a pull request to the Gitea repository.
The source code follows the PEP 8 code style and performs CI checks using the
tool. To perform the same checks locally, run flake8
on the root
directory of this repository.
Type checking¶
The source code uses PEP 484 type hints and type checking is performed in CI
using mypy
. To run those checks locally, run mypy .
on the root
directory of this repository.
The documentation you are reading is generated by the Sphinx tool.
The text files that hold the documentation’s contents are written in
reStructuredText and are available under the /docs
folder of the
Gitea repository.
They are also subject to linting using the doc8